5 Signs You Should Do Order Picker Training
Order picker training educates you in the fine art of picking orders. This job requires attention to detail as well as other skills. Wondering if you should sign up for training? Here are five signs it's a good idea.
1. You want to earn over $20 per hour.
According to data collected from multiple order pickers in Australia, the average hourly rate for a picker is $21.96. The top ten percent of earners in this industry make close to $30, and beginners or workers in the lowest 10 percent of earners bring in about $18 per hour.
2. You like physical work.
Being an order picker can be physically demanding work. You may end up walking up and down through a warehouse, or you may end up on a cherry people or a people mover. In both cases, you have to lift, set down, carry and move a lot of boxes. That requires a certain degree of fitness.
If you like to combine your workout with your job, this may be a career for your to consider. However, if you prefer a more sedentary, less physically demanding job, you may want to look into alternatives.
3. You want a career that's flexible.
Being an order picker can be a full time job, but it can also be temporary. There are many labour hire companies who are willing to take on pickers for limited engagements. If you want flexibility for any reason, this training may help you get it.
For instance, if you do a lot of travelling and you want to be able to dip in and out of jobs whilst you are at home, order picker training may be the right move for you. The entire construction and labour industry, in fact, often has a lot of temporary posts throughout Australia.
4. You want job mobility.
Going to order picker training can help you move up from your current job into a picking position, but this training may also bring additional career moves. In fact, the majority of people in the picker industry who work as a picker for ten years move into other jobs. They may move into warehouse management, forklift operation or a range of other pursuits.
5. You can drive a forklift.
If you have already been trained in forklift operation, you may want to add order picker training to your list of skills. These jobs frequently overlap, and doing the training for both can help you to qualify for more positions.